Periodic use

Nutri-Flow nutrition calculations

Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® is an easy-to-use service developed by nutritionists for monitoring, analyzing and planning your diet. Ravintotulkki is used by a growing number of satisfied customers. The service helps people stay healthy as well as prevent disease and improve their quality of life through a balanced nutrition. Expertise is an integral part of the solution. Individual requirements are very important. A good solution can be implemented with a very wide range of diets, but the real challenge is to ensure balanced nutrient density in the diet. An extensive set of rules, different nutrient compositions, and individual requirements produce a complex task which requires computational methods.
Nutri-Flow ravintotulkki® goes beyond traditional food calculation programs. It tells you directly, through foods and drinks, how you can improve your nutrition and thus your quality of life. The proposed changes are suitably small to follow and no food or drink is prohibited.

Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® is the key to a healthy and balanced diet.

  • Get an accurate personal analysis of your diet in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, both in numbers and charts, showing directly and easily the deficiencies and overdoses in your diet
  • Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® advises you to eat more of your own foods you have already eaten and to add some foods to your diet, e.g.: eat one potato a day more, or add a tangerine a day to your diet - really easy, effortless and simple
  • The quality of your nutrition largely determines the degree of your alertness, poor nutrition can even predispose you to depression!
  • Remember the rule of thumb, e.g. when you are losing weight, 80% food and 20% exercise; not how much and how you move, but what and how you eat! Exercise is like a spice on good food and helps cells function!
This program will change the direction of your life towards health! Suitable for diabetics, people on special diets, food allergy sufferers, children, parents, grandparents - all of us!

For a pregnant and mother of a small child

Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® is suitable for pregnant mothers and young children. Nutrition directly affects the well-being of mother and child. The child adopts family eating habits that are good to get balanced and regular. Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® helps you to find the right diet.

Stop bullying yourself anymore by wondering what food is good for you and what is not.

Measurements and analyzers

Syötä laskuriin oma painosi, haluamasi määrä energiaa kulutettavaksi. Valitse sitten liikuntalaji sekä intensiteetti tai kuormittavuus. Laskuri laskee energian kulutukseen kuluvan ajan.
Painosi: kg
Haluamasi energiankulutus: kcal (= kJ)
Suorituksen kesto: min
Tämä laskuri perustuu osan lajien kohdalta kirjallisuudesta saatuihin tietoihin (mm. Ainsworth ym. 1993, 2000), osan kohdalta arvioihin. Huom! Lopputulos on aina arvio.

Nutri-Flow Ltd
Villiperäntie 5, 90410 Oulu, FINLAND
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